Workshop 1: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: Effective communication through creativity

1. Overview

Communication is about words, web and videos, but not only ! It is also about engagement, and that requires clarity and creativity. Engagement means constructively sharing ideas and concepts and leveraging on the collective intelligence. Engagement can be achieved through thinking and imagining in 3 dimensions.

Research carried out jointly by LEGO® and IMD business school shows that hands-on, minds-on experience deepens our understanding of the world and the possible. When used by a project team, for example, the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology extends the reflection process and stimulates effective dialogue – for everyone involved in the project.
The LEGO® modelling process inspires discussion and knowledge sharing. It fosters creative thinking to help uncover unique solutions and create the radical and the new. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® ensures that participants develop and share a common understanding and a frame of reference.

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2. Benefits of attending

This practical and interactive workshop will strengthen your ability to stretch your imagination and to create and present your ideas as a more effective and creative communicator. Through co-creation exercises conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, you will experiment in clear communication, and learn to appreciate your power to generate and articulate diverse ideas and perspectives.

Throughout the day, you will:
– Gain insight into your types of creativity and imagination
– Investigate how to reduce the gap between what you say and what is actually understood
– Strengthen team-building and better match your competences with your clients’ needs
– Explore and understand the benefits of forming a common vision and language about a project
– Set up tangible memories of your results.

3. Course outline

We will work on 10 different and progressive exercises during the day. We start by examining key aspects of individual communication before moving on to explore the dynamics of group communication and its various facets.
To achieve the objectives of the workshop, we will use the core step-by-step LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® process. There are four straightforward steps:

1. Set the scene by posing a question or a topic

2. Construction
The construction phase covers both the internal/mental construction of the idea you wish to convey and the physical construction, in which LEGO® bricks are used to encourage the use of metaphors and story-making. Highly stimulating exercises will challenge, enlighten and inspire you to think differently and coherently.

3. Sharing your stories with the other participants
Each participant shares his or her model’s meaning and story with the rest of the group. Using the techniques you have learned, your stories will contain more knowledge and ideas than you were consciously aware of before the start of the construction exercise. You will be surprised by your eloquence and clarity when communicating your ideas and concepts with others.

4. Group debrief
Together we reflect on what we have heard and seen to ground and internalise what we have learned. You will have strengthened an important practical ability rather than just learning about a self-improvement theory.
We will send you a selection of pictures of the different models you have made within a few days of the workshop.

About the trainer

a_wunderliAriane Wunderli, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator and personal development therapist (cellular memory).

Ariane Wunderli is a highly experienced personal development specialist.

She has also worked for a range of leading international companies. Ariane first became interested in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method during the decade she spent at IMD, managing its worldwide Alumni network.

With LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, Ariane is leveraging on her professional success over the past twenty years to offer cutting-edge team and company development services. Her two specialist focus areas are enhancing teams’ collective intelligence and boosting personal communication skills.

Passionate about scientific methodologies that develop better self-understanding and encourage individuals and organisations to reach their potential, Ariane offers bespoke counselling to individuals, groups and companies.

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