The International Trade Centre is launching their new report on AI and content creation – and invites Geneva Communicators to attend the launch – on 14 March at 3.30 pm in Geneva – please register here.
Here is further information on the event:
Like a genie trapped in a bottle, information was once contained in books and tightly controlled by newspapers. Then the Internet was launched 50 years ago as a way for government researchers to share information – 534 years after Gutenberg created his printing press. Now, with the latest wave of AI-generated tools, anyone can publish their ideas, opinions, and experiences. AI as a force in business has been unleashed, and it is changing how we work and what we read.
The ITC Innovation Lab is pleased to host the launch of a new ITC report, called Living with the Genie – Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation for Small Businesses in Trade.
Join the authors and contributors to explore the promise and perils of AI tools when creating content in the workplace.
The launch will take place on 14 March at 3.30 pm, in the ITC conference plenary room, 54 rue de Montbrillant, and will be followed by an apéritif.
Register here for the event >>