Online Panel Discussion – 2 December 2020 – video recording available

Thanks to our great online panel and all participants from our event yesterday on “Communications in 2021 – how are organisations managing communications in the current uncertain environment?”

If you missed it, the video recording is now available.

By | December 3rd, 2020|News|0 Comments

New job online: Head of Communications, HD – Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva

New job online, Head of Communications, HD – Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva >>

By | October 14th, 2020|News|0 Comments

New job online: Internal community-engagement specialist (70%) – UniBE International

New job online:

Internal community-engagement specialist (70%) – UniBE International

By | October 8th, 2020|News|0 Comments

New job online: Employee Communications Officer

New job online, Employee Communications Officer, Pictet, Geneva >>

By | September 4th, 2020|News|0 Comments

New comms jobs/consultancies online

New jobs/consultancies online:

Communication Consultant – ITC, Geneva

The Global Fund (Geneva) – Digital Publishing Consultancy

U.S. Mission in Geneva – Community Management and Digital Production Coordinator


By | August 7th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Recording – online presentation Friday 26 June 2020 – Beyond Coronavirus – new technologies, media and communications

Many thanks to Dr Nicoletta Iacobacci for her fascinating presentation today on technology, the future and communications.  You can view a video recording of the presentation here.

clip from presentation of Dr Nicoletta Iacobacci
By | June 26th, 2020|News|0 Comments

New comms jobs online

New jobs online:

Senior Communications Adviser (consultant) – GANHRI, home-based

Senior Manager – Corporate Communications – SITA – Geneva or London

By | May 29th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Challenges and hopes for now and beyond Covid-19 – online conversation guided by De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats – Wednesday 20 May, 12h30-14h30 CET, online

Challenges and hopes for now and beyond Covid-19:  An online conversation guided by De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

Wednesday 20 May, 12h30-14h30 CET, online on Zoom

We are going through special times coping with the circumstances of the lockdown. Working from home and being restricted in our movement influences our daily life in countless ways. Many of us find ourselves in many online meetings. They are not always pleasant. oStill, when we see the glass half full there are positive sides (solidarity, innovative and creative power of people, less pollution) and we can hope that something good comes out of this that will last beyond Covid-19, for us, our community, and the planet.

Are you wondering what kind of future this current experience will bring us?

Would you be interested to learn an approach that supports a group in thinking creatively together and in uncovering insights and options?

Would you be happy to join a different type of online conversation and exchange and digest with others your reflections, questions and hopes?

Imagine a conversation that is structured and guided in a way that helps everyone to contribute constructively, expand their patterns of thinking beyond normal habits, and explore directions beyond the obvious. De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, a simple parallel thinking process, can enable such a conversation.

Our invitation to you:

We invite you to embark with us on a 2-hour inquiry, using the Six Thinking Hats approach. We would love to explore the following question with you:

“How can we use our reflection and learning from the Covid pandemic to challenge and change the way we live and behave towards ourselves, our communities and our planet?”

Join our online conversation about our challenges and hopes for now and beyond Covid-19 guided by De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.

What we offer you

An introduction into De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.

A facilitated online conversation about our challenges and hopes for now and beyond Covid-19 guided by De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.

Reflection together on what happened in the conversation, how this approach made it different and useful, and how we could use the Six Hats in our work and life.

What you will gain from this workshop

Energy, inspiration and insights.

Experience of a powerful approach on how a group can think together constructively and uncover new insights and perspectives.

New connections or deepened relationships with people who joined the conversation.

Your hosts for this 2-hour workshop

We, Nadia and Sarah, are two passionate explorers and “travel guides”. Nadia, a facilitator and method coach, loves embarking on joint learning journeys. She loves creative challenges and feels energized by bringing conversation and collaboration to life. Sarah, a mountain leader and facilitator, brings groups to the mountains to share nature and her favourite parts of Switzerland. While her favourite workshop space is outdoors, she is enjoying the current opportunities for online connection and inspiration.

We both work in a networked way; putting our heads together and combining our talents gives us energy and satisfaction. The idea of working together with De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats started in a retreat in and with nature. We never imagined — until now — that we would do it online.

Are you curious? Then join us & register now.

Tickets and what is included

The online workshop will take place on Wednesday 20 May, 12h30-14h30 CET on Zoom.

The workshop fee is 85 CHF.

Refund Policy: We will not make refunds, but you are welcome to transfer your place to someone else.

You will get 120 minutes of joint inquiry. – A summary handout on De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats. – Tips and Tricks on how to bring the approach online. – Exchange with a group of 12-16 people.

Presented by:

Nadia von Holzen Learning Moments

Sarah Clark Clear Thinking – Clear Communication

By | May 7th, 2020|News|0 Comments

RFPs: Consultant(s) in the communication and advocacy  field (French-speaking)

Alive & Thrive, a NGO specialised in maternal, infant and young child nutrition has published two RFPs seeking consultant(s) in the communication and advocacy  field (in French):

 Consultant en Gestion /production de Connaissance – Région Afrique de l’Ouest; deadline: May 8, 2020

Placement dans les médias et diffusion d’une campagne médiatique visant à améliorer les pratiques de nutrition de la mère, du nourrisson et du jeune enfant – Madagascar: deadline: June 5, 2020

By | May 2nd, 2020|News|0 Comments

Online event: Semiotics in the age of Coronavirus – Thursday 16 April at 18h00

Join Francesco Arese Visconti of Webster University on Thursday 16 April at 18h00 for an online discussion on how the Corona virus is represented in images:

By | April 15th, 2020|News|0 Comments