For anyone interested in joining a basic introduction to photography course. Francesco Arese Visconti is organising a workshop the week-end of 31 October. Here are the details:


This is a two-day introductory course to basic digital photography. Students will be able to become more comfortable with using a DSLR camera, learning about their adjustments, how to photograph using manual settings, how these adjustments affect the final image and how to adjust photographs on the computer. Students will learn how to digitally process their images using basic Photoshop elements and format them for print or for the web. There will be discussions about photography as a visual language of communication and artistic expression


Day 1
10 – 13:Theory. Basic aspects of photographic cameras
14 – 17:Pratice on the field

Day 2
10 – 13: Image post – production. Downloading of the images, first critique, introduction to Photoshop
14 – 17: Photoshop elements and final critique

Cost: CHF 500.-

Those who are interested can contact Francesco directly at

About Francesco:

Francesco is an experienced and published freelance photographer, who has worked for important museums and public institutions. He is a member of the Union Suisse des Photographes Professionnels (USPP) and currently Deputy Head of the Media Communications department and Coordinator of the Photography Program at Webster University Geneva. He has also organised a number of photography workshops including a summer programme in Italy and courses at Urbino Art Village, a centre for creative workshops in Italy. For further information: