Swiss Press and World Press Photo 2024 – 15.11.2024 – 2.2.2025







The World Press Photo Exhibition 2024 will be showing  world’s best photo journalism from the last year. Visit the Chateau de Prangins near Nyon, between now and 2. February 2025 to see the selection of photographs.

For the latest edition, some 3,800 photographers from 130 countries submitted more than 61,000 photos. The subjects range from refugee tragedies and natural disasters to the joint international effort to save the monarch butterfly from extinction. The exhibition is a look back at the global events of 2023 and allows us to take a step back from the fast-moving news cycle, consider world events from a fresh perspective, and critically reflect on them.

In the exhibition Swiss Press Photo, some 150 pictures will be exhibited in the categories News, Daily life, Swiss stories, People, Sports and World. The winners in the various categories will all be represented at the Château de Prangins with their impressive works. Meanwhile, the World Press Photo exhibition comprises some 140 photos, covering all continents, which will subsequently be exhibited in over 40 other countries.

For further information visit the World Press Photo Exhibition website here>>

By | December 3rd, 2024|News, Other events, Other resources|0 Comments

TEDxLausanne – Thursday 14 March 2024 in Lausanne

The next TEDxLausanne event will be held on Thursday 14 March at the Théâtre L’Octogone de Pully, between 17h30 and 21h30, followed by a cocktail dinner and networking activities.

Standard Price: 96 CHF
Students/AVS: 50 CHF

Embark on an exciting journey: TEDxLausanne Where Change Begins.

A Must-Experience in a new format!

Step into a realm where transformation takes root, a central point of creative energy and motivation where forward-thinkers from across the globe converge to exchange ideas, collaborate with experts, and spark initiatives fueled by unwavering commitment and determination.

Brand new: TEDxMasterclass “The Secrets to Delivering Engaging Presentations”

Prepare to elevate your presentation skills to new heights with our inaugural event, designed to empower you with the tools and techniques needed to deliver truly impactful talks. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or just starting out on your public speaking journey, TEDxMasterclass is your opportunity to refine your craft and make a lasting impression.

A line-up of thought-leaders

Get inspired and enter the conversation with our 12 speakers and performers, some of the most forward-thinking individuals.

Cocktail dinner and networking activities

Unique opportunities to engage with our speakers, partners, participantsLet us treat you to a delicious cocktail reception and a few glasses of wine, and engage in all kinds of networking activities: special Q&As with our speakers, live sketching, virtual reality goggles, framed discussions…


By | March 11th, 2024|Other events, Other resources|0 Comments

ITC event on AI and Content Creation

The International Trade Centre is launching their new report on AI and content creation – and invites Geneva Communicators to attend the launch – on 14 March at 3.30 pm in Geneva – please register here.

Here is further information on the event:

Like a genie trapped in a bottle, information was once contained in books and tightly controlled by newspapers. Then the Internet was launched 50 years ago as a way for government researchers to share information – 534 years after Gutenberg created his printing press. Now, with the latest wave of AI-generated tools, anyone can publish their ideas, opinions, and experiences. AI as a force in business has been unleashed, and it is changing how we work and what we read.

The ITC Innovation Lab is pleased to host the launch of a new ITC report, called Living with the Genie – Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation for Small Businesses in Trade.

Join the authors and contributors to explore the promise and perils of AI tools when creating content in the workplace.

The launch will take place on 14 March at 3.30 pm, in the ITC conference plenary room, 54 rue de Montbrillant, and will be followed by an apéritif.

Register here for the event >> 

By | March 5th, 2024|Other events|0 Comments

IPR – Free Webinar based on the book – “The ROI of LOL” – December 12, 2023

An interesting seminar organised by the Institute for Public Relations to be held online on December 12, 2023 at 12 pm EST:

Unlock the secrets of neuroscience and explore the transformative impact of laughter on corporate culture in our upcoming webinar, based on the book “The ROI of LOL: How Laughter Breaks Down Walls, Drives Compelling Storytelling, and Creates a Healthy Workplace,” by IPR Trustee Steve Cody, co-founder and CEO of Peppercomm and Clayton Fletcher, chief comedy officer of Peppercomm. IPR Trustee Linda Rutherford, chief administration officer and chief communications officer of Southwest Airlines will moderate this fireside discussion.

December 12 to discover how laughter can be a strategic tool for connecting with external stakeholders, finding new avenues for collaboration, and, most importantly, having fun while achieving business success.












For further information and to join the webinar click here>>

By | November 30th, 2023|Other events, Other resources|0 Comments

Global Health Journalism Workshop – 19 August 2022

A workshop on publishing critical, independent, global health journalism through newsletters. Sharing lessons on media entrepreneurship.

About this event


To share lessons on media entrepreneurship and publishing original reporting through newsletters.


⮚ Global Health Journalism: An inter-disciplinary approach

⮚ Newsletter Publishing: Entrepreneurial Journalism

Target Group:

Journalism students, journalists, global health experts interested in learning to write critically. Essentially anyone interested in international health policy and global health journalism.

(Workshop size: 5-10 per session)

Content of Workshops:

▪ Introduction: Geneva Health Files

▪ Lessons from self-publishing

▪ Applicability to other potential niche journalism projects

▪ Audience engagement and building a community

▪ Discussing project ideas of participants

▪ Analyzing a newsletter edition or a story

Duration and Format:

Two hours

⮚ Introduction: Geneva Health Files and participants’ self-introduction (10 mins)

⮚ Presentation including interaction with participants (20 mins)

⮚ Q&A (10 mins)

⮚ Discussion of ideas from participants (30 mins)

⮚ A short on-the-spot assignment (20 mins)

⮚ Wrap up and synthesis (30 mins)

Requirements to participate:

⮚ A 100 word statement on what you hope to gain from this workshop

⮚ Willingness to turn your camera on during the session so that we can see each other

⮚ Consent to recording of the sessions (only by the organizer)

⮚ Students should be able to share proof of their status

⮚ A short self-introduction at the beginning of the session

Register here >>

By | August 17th, 2022|Other events|0 Comments

Online course: digital innovation in humanitarian action

The Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies is offering an online course over two weeks on “Digital Innovation in Humanitarian Action” from 17 – 28 October 2022.

Since the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, enthusiasm over the potential of digital innovations and new technologies to improve humanitarian assistance has dominated the aid sector. While it shows the prevalence of technological determinism and data revolution among aid actors, the relation of humanitarian assistance to innovations is not unprecedented. The growing involvement of tech companies in global philanthropy has only accelerated this “innovation turn”. From crowd-sourced data used to create crisis mapping to the expansion of drones to facilitate relief distribution, humanitarian innovations capture a large diversity of digital and technological creations meant to improve the efficiency of humanitarian assistance during disasters, conflicts and migration. Exploring the entanglements between neoliberal actors, innovation labs, “tech for good”, data management and humanitarian governance allows questioning the opportunities and challenges of such innovations beyond the “tech utopia”.

Further information and registration>>

By | June 15th, 2022|Other events|0 Comments

Free Training Session: Effective communications in a video first world – 29 June 2022

Hurricane Media is offering communicators in Geneva a free training session on “Effective communications in a video first world” –  Wed, 29 June 2022,  08:30 – 11:00 CEST

The session will  cover:

– Explain the theory of video marketing, including the psychology of effective content .

– Introduce basic models that can be used to understand video, including “Hero, Hub, Help” and the “digital content funnel”.

– Look at specific social channels and how to use video on them, including YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook.

– Give tips on how to run effective organic and paid campaigns.

– Show how to use emotions in your content to drive behaviour change.

– Explore how brands and charities can use Content hubs to build an audience and drive action.

– Discuss content creation on a limited budget.

– Showcase new technologies including interactive and personalised video .

– Answer all your video questions.

Learn more about the session and register here. 

By | June 7th, 2022|Other events|0 Comments

Online workshop – SEO and corporate storytelling, Friday 13 May 9h00-9h40

Presented by the SEO & Web Swiss Chapter:

Stories have the power to move us and change our behaviour, to shift us from indifference to positive, constructive action. But too many organisations throw away the chance to use this simple, straightforward technique to achieve their goals. Worse still, poor storytelling is losing them their audience, their reputation and their funding, which has a knock-on effect on staff morale and engagement.

The good news, however, is that this situation can be turned around and with powerful results. ‘Corporate storytelling’ is about helping organisations better reach their goals through accessible, compelling and moving stories. This webinar will look at how, when underpinned by the correct and effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Corporate Storytelling enables content creators to reach targeted and wider audiences.


Robert Bartram is a Corporate Storyteller of over 25 years’ experience, having worked for organisations as diverse as the UK government, the BBC and the United Nations, as well as several private companies. He will set out what organisations often get wrong with their storytelling, before outlining his three-phased approach for producing much better – and well-deserved – results.

Nadia Mojahed: A Digital SEO consultant offering personalized and actionable custom SEO workshops as well as top SEO consultancy services to local and international brands. She helps with SEO strategy, technical website audits, content marketing, backlink building & performance optimization and digital strategy planning and impelmentation.

Meeting details:

Date: Friday 13 May, 2022

Time: 9:00 AM – 09:40 AM (CEST)

Location: Online

Sign up for the event here>>

By | May 9th, 2022|Other events|0 Comments

Gaming: “What’s Next” – Spotlight Seminar online – 18h00 – 11 April 2022

Join online on Monday April 11th at 18h Geneva time for   Webster University Geneva’s next Spotlight Seminar:

Gaming: “What’s Next”

Webster University’s Assistant Professor of Game Design Matt Burton discusses the future of gaming trends and technology. Matt will talk about how game design technology is used in a variety of different industries from film to architecture and for a wide range of uses from training simulations to virtual production

Further information >> 

By | April 11th, 2022|Other events|0 Comments

Online event: Building trusted relationships at work – 9 February 2022, 12h00-13h00

Dear communicators,

We are pleased to announce our first event for 2022, hosted jointly with the Basel Communicators Network:

Stephen Welch, FRSA and Director of Archetypical Ltd. will introduce us to the three key elements of Trust, using the “Trust Equation”. This 1-hour session will be a modified version of a workshop he has developed for senior executive teams, to help them build trust and improve organizational effectiveness. By attending this session, you will learn the approach and be able to apply it to create your own success.

Date: Wednesday  9 February 2022
Time: 12h00-13h00
Register here>>

By | January 15th, 2022|Other events|0 Comments