We are happy to announce our next workshop day!
Workshop day : Friday 29 January 2016 at Webster University Geneva – featuring three workshops (Note: you can only attend one workshop in the day!):
Cost: 480 CHF for GCN members, 600 CHF for non-members
(includes a buffet lunch and tea/coffee)
Location: Webster University Geneva, Route de Collex 15, 1293 Bellevue, Switzerland. Public transport; train from Cornavin main railway station to Genthod/Bellevue train station (5 minute walk); Bus V from Cornavin; By car – free parking available at venue.
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Workshop 1: Communicating through images
With current technology producing and disseminating an image seems very simple. But how do we choose the right subjects? How do we frame the image? And which are the best channels for disseminating the image to generate effective results? Through both theory and practical exercises, this workshop will offer elements of image/photo composition, framing and post-production, together with technical hints for communications professionals.
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Workshop 2: Advanced social media
In the current, multi-channel communications environment, strategically managing social media is a must for every organization or corporation. And that goes far beyond tactical postings and interaction with individuals or groups, even if they belong to your defined target audiences. Indeed, social media must be embedded in the organizational strategy at multiple levels, ranging from communications and marketing to HR and operations. With this multi-purpose approach to social media, different aspects regarding engagement strategies, channel selection, tone of voice, management tools, evaluation and measurement have to be taken into consideration.
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Workshop 3: Writing for the web
Writing for the web is different. People who visit and use your website or Intranet have different needs and expectations to those who read your messages through other channels. In this workshop you will discover how to write great content that meets these needs and keeps your visitors coming back.
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