The Geneva Communicators Network is pleased to announce its next workshop day to be held on Friday, 9 June 2017 at Webster University Geneva.
Three one-day workshops will be run simultaneously including a networking lunch and coffee breaks where all participants can meet and discuss. The groups will be small – maximum 10-12 participants – to allow instructors to address specific needs.

Some testimonies from our past workshops:
“I found the workshop useful, and quite fun as well. It was definitely worthwhile”
“This workshop gave me the opportunity to make a stop from my routine to evaluate my daily work activities and reflect on many things that I could somehow improve at work”
“The workshop provided me with a lot of tips and principles that I can easily use every day in my job and that will make my life easier! Thanks a lot”
Workshop day: Friday, 9 June 2017 Geneva – featuring all three workshops
Please note: you can only attend one workshop in the day!
Date: Friday, 9 June 2017
Time: 09h30 – 16h30
Location: Webster University Geneva, Route de Collex 15, 1293 Bellevue-Geneva, Switzerland.
Cost: 480 CHF for GCN members, 600 CHF for non-members
(includes a buffet lunch and tea/coffee)
Workshop 1: The truth about successful blogging
Blogging, like social media, is an online platform that can catapult your communications and advocacy efforts to the next level by connecting you with your audience like no other writing can. Yet blogging is both an art and a science – and different from other styles of writing, with its own special set of skills and rules. This workshop will unveil and equip you with these skills, whether you blog for the UN, the private sector, an NGO or yourself.
More information >>
Register for the workshop>>
Workshop 2: Ignite your public speaking
Lee Iacocca said, “You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” Public speaking is a critical skill. Recent studies by Microsoft, Fast Company, LinkedIn and others show that the ability to communicate effectively is one of the most sought-after skills by employers who seek new talent. And yet, most corporate presentations are mediocre at best. In this course, you learn how to prepare, construct and deliver a presentation that people will remember. A presentation that makes an impact.
More information >>
Register for the workshop>>
Workshop 3: Digital Storytelling: Video for Social Media
Communicating through images is increasingly important in a globalised environment. Communicators are confronted with increasing pressure to produce, process and disseminate content. Without the necessary experience this process can be lengthy and difficult. This workshop will help communicators learn how to create a video strategy, which includes planning, gathering content and preparing it for dissemination through and most appropriate social media channels.
More information>>
Register for the workshop>>
We look forward to seeing you there.